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ATTENTION: the current version of the Python environment does not support characters other than ASCII (including Cyrillic)!

0. Working with the designer

To work with the designer connect the library

from schsat import *

in Python, the names of libraries and modules are called without the extension .py, the '*' in this context means the import of all fields. All functions for controlling the construction set must be called inside the control () function in the text of your program. Example:

def control():
    print ("Hello, world!")

1. Example of a code to take a photo

# function definition
def take_frame(frame):
    sleep(2)                    # on the camera and wait for the device to load
    ready = camera_get_state()          # Check if the camera is ready
    if ready:
	err = camera_take_photo(frame)  # take a photo
	if err:
            print 'Error while taking frame (frame=%d)!' % frame # is used print () python 2.7
            return 1                    # error code
        print 'Camera is not ready!'
        return 1 
    camera_turn_off()                   # be sure to turn off the camera!
    return 0                            # normal execution
# use of the function
def control():
    op_result = take_frame(0)

2. Code recommended for testing the magnetometer

# Function - wrapper for magnetometer_request_raw (num) -> err function
def magn_get(nmg, off = True): # nmg - magnetometer number,variable off - whether to switch off the sensor 
     # function that works with the sensor checking whether it is on
     # and returning the list [0, x_raw, y_raw, z_raw] if it is possible 
     # to get the data, and [1, 0, 0, 0] if an error occurred. 
    if not magnetometer_get_state(nmg): # if the sensor is not turned on
        if magnetometer_turn_on(nmg): return [1, 0, 0, 0] # try to turn on
        sleep(0.5) # if the sensor was turned on wait for the loading to be 0.5 seconds
    magn_ret = magnetometer_request_raw(nmg) # save the speed value to variable magn_ret
    if magn_ret[0]: # if the sensor returned an error message
        magnetometer_turn_off(nmg) # turn off the sensor
        return [1, 0, 0, 0] # return [1, 0, 0, 0]
    if off: magnetometer_turn_off(nmg) # turn off if needed
    return magn_ret # return result in case of success
def control(): # The main function of the program in which you should call other functions
    mgn_ret = [0,0,0,0]     # Initialize mgn_ret
    while not mgn_ret[0]:   # while the sensor returns normal values
        mgn_ret = magn_get(1, False) # save the returned values to the variable mgn_ret
        print ("state: {}, x_raw = {}, y_raw = {}, z_raw = {}".\ # Notice the line break character!
        format(mgn_ret[0], mgn_ret[1], mgn_ret[2], mgn_ret[3])) # Print them to the console
    print("Program failed!") # If the sensor does not take readings display an error message

3. Code recommended for checking the AVS

# Function - wrapper for hyro_request_raw (num) -> err function
def hyro_get(nhyr, off = True): # nhyr - AVS number 
     # variable off - should the sensor be turned off at the end of the call
     # function that works with the sensor, checking whether it is on
     # and returning the list [0, x_raw, y_raw, z_raw] if it is possible
     # to get the data, and [1, 0, 0, 0] if an error occurred.
    if not hyro_get_state(nhyr): # if the sensor is not turned on
        if hyro_turn_on(nhyr): return [1, 0, 0, 0] # try to turn on
        sleep(0.5) # if the sensor was turned on wait for the loading to be 0.5 seconds
    hyro_ret = hyro_request_raw(nhyr) # save the speed value to variable hyro_ret
    if hyro_ret[0]: # if the sensor returned an error message
        hyro_turn_off(nhyr) # turn off the sensor
        return [1, 0, 0, 0] # return [1, 0, 0, 0]
    if off: hyro_turn_off(nhyr) # turn off if needed
    return hyro_ret # return result in case of success
def control(): # The main function of the program in which you should call other functions
    hyr_ret = [0,0,0,0]     # Initialize hyr_ret
    while not hyr_ret[0]:   # while the sensor returns normal values
        hyr_ret = hyro_get(1, False) # save the returned values to the variable hyr_ret
        print ("state: %d, x_raw = %d, y_raw = %d, z_raw = %d",\ # Notice the line break character!
        % (hyr_ret[0], hyr_ret[1], hyr_ret[2], hyr_ret[3]) # Print them to the console
    print("Program failed!") # If the sensor does not take readings display an error message

4. Code recommended for testing solar sensors

def sunsensors_get(off = True): # True - the default argument off 
# sensor numbers - from the 1st to the 4th
    s_is_on = [sun_sensor_get_state(i+1) for i in range(4)] # checking if the sensor is on
    if 0 in s_is_on: # if the sensor is not on
        s_on_bus = [sun_sensor_turn_on(i+1) for i in range(4)] # turn it on
        sleep(2)  # waiting the devices to load
        s_is_on = [int(not(i)) for i in s_on_bus] # write the values in the list s_is_on
    data = [] # create a list for storing data
    for idx, i in enumerate(s_is_on): all sensors
        if s_is_on: data.append(sun_sensor_request_raw(idx+1)) # the value of sensors illumination
        else: data.append([1, 0, 0, 0]) # value if the sensor is off
    if off: [sun_sensor_turn_off(i+1) for i in range(4)] # turn off the sensors if it is necessary
    return data     # to return readings
# use of the function
sun_raw = sunsensors_get(False) # replace the default argument, the sensors are not turned off after the call

5. Code recommended for checking the flywheel control

def motor_check(num):
    if not motor_get_state(num): # checking if ht emotor is on
        if motor_turn_on(num): return 1 # try to turn on, if not possible display the error code
        sleep(2)                        # wait for device to load
    if motor_set_speed(num, 1000): return 1 # set the speed or return an error code
    sleep(5)                                # five seconds waiting
    if motor_set_speed(num, 0): return 1    # set the speed or return an error code
    motor_turn_off(num)                     # turn off
# The main program 
def control():
    res = motor_check(1)
    print (res)

6. Рекомендуемый код для проверки передатчика телеметрии

# Пример функции для передачи любого сообщения, переданного как переменная msg типа str
def msg_send(msg, trn = 1, res = 2, off = True): 
    # msg - сообщение, trn - номер передатчика, res - номер наземного приемника, 
    # off - нужно ли выключить передатчик при завершении (True - да, False - нет)
    if not transceiver_get_state(trn): # если передатчик не включен: включить
        if transceiver_turn_on(trn):   # попытка включить
            return 1                   # если не удалось включить, вернуть код ошибки 1
        sleep(0.5)                     # если нормально принят сигнал о включении, ждать 0.5 сек
    if not transceiver_send(res, trn, msg): # если не удалось передать сообщение,
        transceiver_turn_off(trn) # выключить передатчик
        return 1 # вернуть код ошибки
    if off: transceiver_turn_off(trn)  # выключить передатчик
    return 0 # вернуть код нормального завершения

7. Рекомендуемый код функции для проверки ВЧ-передатчика

def send_frame(num, frame, off = True):
    if not tranmitter_get_state(num): # проверка состояния ВЧ-передатчика
        if transmitter_turn_on(num): return 1
    if transmitter_transmit_photo(num, frame): # передаем кадр frame
        if off: transmitter_turn_off(name) # допускаем, что выключение всегда успешно,
        return 1                           # но, вообще говоря, это может быть не так
    if off: transmitter_turn_off(1)
    return 0 # код нормального завершения

8. Рекомендуемый код для работы с батареей

def battery():
    ah = battery_get_charge()                 # проверяем заряд
    cc = battery_get_charging_current()       # ток зарядки
    dc = battery_get_discharging_current()    # ток разрядки
    print 'Ёмкость батареи: %g A-H' % ah      # выводим данные
    print 'Ток заряда: %g mA' % cc
    print 'Ток разряда: %g mA' % dc 
    return [ah, cc, dc]                       # возвращаем значения
en/examples-py.1511719442.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/25 16:29 (external edit)