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High-frequency receiver

The high-frequency (HF), high-speed receiver is part of the construction set and simulates a ground station for receiving information over a high-speed channel. When carrying out the experiments, similar receivers will be mounted directly on the Earth's surface, i.e. on the globe. However, for the preliminary development of the “high speed radio channel,” the construction set module should be used.

This module works in conjunction with the Mission Control Center software (MCC). When you point it to the “beam” of the on-board HF transmitter, the ground-based HF receiver signals to the MCC that the communication channel has successfully been established. The communication line must be retained in order to ensure accurate stabilization of the “satellite” - only in this case can the satellite payload data be transferred to the “Earth” through the communication channel.

The quality of the communication channel, which depends on the targeting accuracy of the on-board HF transmitter on the MCC, is also taken into account. It determines whether the photo will be transmitted. A quality value between 0 and 100 is displayed in the upper right part of the MCC software interface.

en/hf_rx_subsys.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/25 16:28 (external edit)