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en:lesson9 [2019/11/07 15:44]
golikov created
en:lesson9 [2020/03/25 16:28]
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-FIXME **This page is not fully translated, yet. Please help completing the translation.**\\ //(remove this paragraph once the translation is finished)// 
-====== Data Analysis ====== 
-===== Data Analysis with Excel ===== 
-Open the resulting data file with Excel. Press Ctrl-O and chose the folder containing the file. By default the Excel will not open txt form files, but when you enter * at the enter form and press Enter there will be displayed all files. Choose the data file and press Open. 
-This will start the import wizard. Press Next.  
-On the first page specify the data form “with dividers”. 
-On the second page specify that column divider is the space character. 
-Make sure that in the window with example of the data presentation all columns are divided by vertical lines, than press Next. 
-Column’s data form must be leaved as “general”. Press “Finished”,​ the data will be written into Excel sheet. 
-Evidently, the data is divided by empty lines. To delete the empty lines select the first column. 
-Press F5, then press “Select” at the displayed window. 
-Check the box of “empty cells” and press ОК. 
-There will be selected all empty cells from the first column. 
-Now delete the lines where the empty cells are selected. Press. ​ 
-Now the data are ready for analysis and diagrams’ plotting. 
-Please note! The first lines contain identical data because the OrbiCraft began rotation with delay of 5 seconds. 
-Insert into document the point diagram with smooth curves and press the button for choosing data. 
-Press the button for adding data. 
-Do not enter the name of the row. Click “Х values” window and choose all cells from the first column by clicking at column’s header. 
-Then click “Y values”, delete “{1}” characters to leave equal mark only, and then choose the whole second column with data by clicking on the column header. 
-At the data source choose window there will be displayed the first data row. 
-Press ОК to close data choose window. 
-Put the cursor to the top right corner of the second data column and drag it right to seize all data. 
-Select the columns from В to I. 
-Now the diagram will include all data collected from solar sensors. 
-Please note the “outbreaks” at the diagram; it is measuring errors that are perfectly visible at the diagram. 
-Put the cursor at the “outbreak” and find the line with erroneous data in the table. 
-Please note that erroneous values are greatly different from adjacent values. ​ 
-Manually change the incorrect values, changing them to the averages of the adjusting values.  ​ 
-The diagram plotted by the cleared data must be approximately like the one below: 
-Please note! The first lines contain identical data; it is evident from the diagram. 
-===== Data preparation ===== 
-All decimal values in our table are pinned down to the left borders of the cells; it means that Excel interprets them as text data. For sure - the Excel uses for decimal numbers not a dot but comma character that divides the integer from its decimal part. 
-We must replace all dots to commas in our file. To do so press Ctrl-H and enter in the upper window the dot mark, and in the lower window enter the comma mark. 
-Scroll down the table and memorize the last value of the measured angle. ​ 
-Delete all data at the start of the table up to this angle. 
-Now the data will start and end from approximately the same angle; hence the OrbiCraft performed one revolution around its radial axis. 
-Taking into account that magnetometer measures angles with some error, its readings is inadvisable base for positioning by solar sensors. 
-Since OrbiCraft during data collection rotated equably we can calculate the precision angles. 
-Count the overall number of the data lines (I personally counted 441 lines). 
-This number may be some less or some more depending on OrbiCraft rotation speed. 
-Since the circle usually divided to 360 degrees, the angle value at every line of our table must differ from previous value for 360/441= 0,816327 degree. 
-At the upper cell of the К column (К1 cell) copy the angle value from J1 cell.  
-At К2 cell enter this formula: 
-Double-click lower-right corner of the К2 cell, the formula will be copied to all К column cells. 
-Now all angle values must be normalized to the range from -180 to 180 degrees. 
-Find the line where angle value is more than 180 degree; change the formula in this line. 
-Formulas in the other cells must not be changed. Now all angle values in the table are in range from от -180 to 180. 
-For visual estimation of magnetometer error plot the diagram by outer right columns with angle values. 
-The diagram clearly shows that even the calibrated magnetometer is in error during angle measurement. 
-Now we must delete all redundant data from the table. 
-Copy К column and insert the data as values to L column. 
-Now delete the J and K columns, also the first А column, with values of measurement time. 
-Although in Excel the integer part divided from decimal by comma, the Python uses for this a dot. Using replace function (Ctrl-H) replaces all commas to dots in the file. 
-Now transfer all processed data back to Notepad++. 
-Select all data in Excel and press Ctrl-C. 
-Open Notepad++, create new project and insert the data using Ctrl-V. 
-Data inserted are divided by tabulation marks and line hyphen characters, but we need the division by  Python language rules – division by comma and space characters. Press Ctrl-H, enter \t to the upper window, enter comma with space character to the lower window. Press “Replace all” or “Replace in all open documents”. 
-Now we will replace the line hyphen characters in similar manner. Press Ctrl-H, enter \r\n to the upper window, enter comma with space character to the lower window. Press “Replace all” or “Replace in all open documents”. 
-Now all data are listed as one line. We will create the array based on this line. Save the data file in .txt form. 
en/lesson9.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/25 16:28 (external edit)