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Python interface


Starting with version 1.02 the standard library includes support for the Python programming language. If you use this version of the library or more recent versions, then you can access the interface functions of the standard library using one of the most popular programming languages. 1)

Fast start

In order to create a simple Python project

  1. Put your Python code in a separate file with the extension .py 2)
  2. Implement a function named control in Python 3)

An example of a simple Python project
# My first Python project 
def control():
	print 'Hello world!'

Interface Functions

Describing the interface functions we will indicate:

  • function name (function name is unique)
  • list of arguments for this function
  • list of values returned by the function


hyro_request_reset(num) -> err

In the example above the interface named hyro_request_reset is shown. hyro_request_resetis the name of the Python function. Function takes one argument num (sensor number) and returns a single value – err (error code).

Most interface functions expect that the first argument is the device number (number of sensor or number of actuating mechanism of this type). Usually device number is a number from 0 to 3. Also, most interface functions return the value of called function execution status (return an error code). In the example above, this fact is marked as a pair of characters –> err.

Using interface functions it is important to analyze the returned error code (the value of err). If the called function is finished without error, it returns zero (0), otherwise a non-zero value. An example of processing the value returned by the function:

err = hyro_request_reset(0)
if err:
	print 'Error!'

Interface functions often have names interface_request_reset, interface_get_state, interface_turn_on() and interface_turn_off, where interface – an interface name.

These functions are generally used as follows. Example for the hyro interface

hyro_request_reset(num)       # reset (initialize) the interface
sleep(1.0/2)                  # wait a little, for example, 1/2 second
hyro_turn_on(num)             # enable (activate) the interface
ready = hyro_get_state(num)   # Verify the interface is ready
if ready:
	# do something useful, for example, take readings
	(err, x, y, z) = hyro_request_raw(num)
	if not err:
		print 'x=%d y=%d z=%d' % (x, y, z)
hyro_turn_off(num)            # be sure to turn off the interface!

Interface Accelerometer

accelerometer_get_state(num) -> ready


accelerometer_request_raw(num) -> (err, x, y, z)


accelerometer_request_reset(num) -> err


accelerometer_turn_off(num) -> err


accelerometer_turn_on(num) -> err


Interface Battery

These interface functions allow you to determine the state of the virtual battery (PSS). These functions don’t take any arguments. Each of the functions returns a parameter as a single-precision floating-point number.

battery_get_charge() -> value

The function battery_get_charge returns the current battery charge value expressed in ampere-hours.

battery_get_charging_current() -> value

The function battery_get_charging_current returns the current value of the charge current in milliamperes.

battery_get_discharging_current() -> value

The function battery_get_discharging_current returns the current value of the discharge current in milliamperes.

Interface Camera

This set of interface functions is designed to work with a camera.

camera_get_state() -> ready

The function camera_get_state returns the device ready flag: 1 - ready, 0 - not ready.

camera_take_photo(frame) -> err

The function camera_take_photo takes a photo with the number specified with the argument frame. Usually, you number the pictures with numbers from 0 to 9. The function returns 0 if the action is successful, otherwise the value is different from zero.

camera_turn_off() -> err

The function camera_turn_off turns off the device.

camera_turn_on() -> err

The function camera_turn_on turns on (activates) the device.

Interface Coil

coil_get_state(num) -> ready


coil_request_reset(num) -> err


coil_set_value(num, value) -> (err, value)


coil_turn_off(uint16_t num) -> err


coil_turn_on(num) -> err


Interface Light_sensor

light_sensor_get_state(num) -> ready


light_sensor_request_maxraw(num) -> (err, value)


light_sensor_request_raw(num) -> (err, value)


light_sensor_request_reset(num) -> err


light_sensor_set_calibrate(num, value) -> err


light_sensor_set_minvalue(num, value) -> err


light_sensor_turn_off(num) -> err


light_sensor_turn_on(num) -> err

Interface Hyro

These interface functions are used to work with the angular velocity sensor (AVS). Argument num is a sensor number (it can take varies from 0 to 3).

hyro_get_state(num) -> ready

The function hyro_get_state returns the device ready flag: 1 - ready; 0 - not ready.

hyro_request_raw(num) -> (err, x, y, z)

The function hyro_request_raw returns a list: error code err and the current AVS readings: x, y, z.

hyro_request_reset(num) -> err

The function hyro_request_reset performs reset of the sensor number num.

hyro_turn_off(num) -> err

The function hyro_turn_off turns off the sensor number num .

hyro_turn_on(num) -> err

The function hyro_turn_on turns on (activates) a sensor number num.

Interface Magnetometer

These interface functions are designed to work with a magnetometer. The argument num is a number of the magnetometer (it can take values from 0 to 3).

magnetometer_get_state(num) -> ready

The function magnetometer_get_state returns the readiness flag of the magnetometer number num.

magnetometer_request_raw(num) -> (err, x, y, z)

The function magnetometer_request_raw returns a list of values: err - error code; x, y, z are the current readings of the magnetometer number num.

magnetometer_request_reset(num) -> err

The function magnetometer_request_reset performs reset of the magnetometer number num.

magnetometer_turn_off(num) -> err

The function magnetometer_turn_off turns off the magnetometer number num.

magnetometer_turn_on(num) -> err

The function magnetometer_turn_on turns on (activates) a magnetometer number num.

Interface Motor

These interface functions are designed to control flywheels. Argument num is the number of the flywheel (it can take values from 0 to 3).

motor_get_state(num) -> ready

The function motor_get_state returns the readiness flag of flywheel number num: 1 - ready; 0 - not ready.

motor_request_reset(num) -> err

The function motor_request_reset resets the controller of flywheel number num.

motor_request_speed(num) -> (err, value)

The function motor_request_speed returns a list of values: err - error code; value - the current speed of the flywheel number num.

motor_set_speed(num, value) -> (err, value)

The function motor_set_speed sets the speed of flywheel number num to value. The function returns a list of values: err - error code; value is the speed measured by the controller after installation.

num = 0
write_speed = -100
(err, read_speed) = motor_set_speed(num, write_speed)
if not err:
	print (write_speed, read_speed)
IMPORTANT. The set value of speed (the second argument of the function) and the return value of the speed (the second element of the return value list) must be close in value and sign (speed direction). If the function returns an error code other than 0, then you can not trust the return value of the speed!
motor_turn_off(num) -> err

The function motor_turn_off turns off the flywheel number num.

motor_turn_on(num) -> err

The function motor_turn_on turns on (activates) the flywheel number num.

Interface Sunbattery

These interface functions allow you to read the parameters of solar cell elements. The argument num is the number of the solar cell element (it can take values from 0 to 7).

sunbattery_request_maxraw(num) -> (err, value)

The function sunbattery_request_maxraw returns a list of values: err - error code and value - the maximum value of the parameter received from the solar element number num.

sunbattery_request_raw(num) -> (err, value)

The function sunbattery_request_raw returns a list of values: err - error code and value - the current value of the parameter received from the solar element number num.

sunbattery_request_reset(num) -> err

The function sunbattery_request_reset resets the controller of the solar cell element number num.

Interface sun_sensor

This set of interface functions is designed to work with solar sensors. Argument num is the sensor number (it can take values from 0 to 7).

sun_sensor_get_state(num) -> ready

The function sun_sensor_get_state returns the flag of readiness of the solar sensor number num: 1 - ready; 0 – not ready.

sun_sensor_request_maxraw(num) -> (err, value)

The function sun_sensor_request_maxraw returns a list: err - error code; value - the maximum value of solar sensor number num readings.

sun_sensor_request_raw(num) -> (err, value, value)

The function sun_sensor_request_raw returns a list: err - error code; value - current readings of the solar sensor number num.

sun_sensor_request_reset(num) -> err

The function sun_sensor_request_reset performs a reset of the solar sensor number num.

sun_sensor_set_calibrate(num, value) -> err

The function sun_sensor_set_calibrate calibrates the sensor (sets the mode to value for the sensor number num). Currently, this function is not used.

sun_sensor_set_minvalue(num, value) -> err

The function sun_sensor_set_minvalue is not used.

sun_sensor_turn_off(num) -> err

The function sun_sensor_turn_off turns off the solar sensor number num.

sun_sensor_turn_on(num) -> err

The function sun_sensor_turn_on turns on (activates) the solar sensor number num.

sun_sensors_angle(value, value, value) -> value

The function sun_sensors_angle is not a control function. This is a computational auxiliary function that returns a value in the form of a double precision number with a fixed point.


Interface Transceiver

These interface functions control sixteen telemetry transmitters; are used to transmit and receive data arrays (telemetry). Argument num is the number of the telemetry transmitter (it can take values from 0 to 15).

transceiver_get_state(num) -> ready

The function transceiver_get_state returns the readiness flag value of the telemetry transmitters: 1 - ready; 0 – not ready.

transceiver_request_buff(num) -> (err, data)

The function transceiver_request_buff queries the contents of the receiver buffer and returns a list of values: err - error code; data - contents of the buffer (32 bytes).

transceiver_request_reset(num) -> err

The function transceiver_request_reset resets the telemetry transmitter number num.

transceiver_send(txnum, rxnum, data) -> err

The function transceiver_send transfers data from the transmitter number txnum to the receiver number rxnum. In case of successful data translation the function returns 0.

err = transceiver_send(1, 0, b'hello, world!')
if err:
	print 'Transfer Error!'
transceiver_turn_off(num) -> err

The function transceiver_turn_off turns off the telemetry transmitter number num.

transceiver_turn_on(num) -> err

The function transceiver_turn_on turns on (activates) a telemetry transmitter number num.

Interface Transmitter

These interface functions control the HF transmitters. Transmission of pre-captured and saved photos is carried out using the function transmitter_transmit_photo. Argument num is the number of the HF transmitter (it can take values from 0 to 3).

transmitter_get_state(num) -> ready

The function transmitter_get_state returns the readiness flag of HF transmitter number num.

transmitter_request_reset(num) -> err

The function transmitter_request_reset resets the HF transmitter number num.

transmitter_transmit_photo(num, frame) -> err

The function transmitter_transmit_photo transmits a photo with number frame using the HF transmitter with number num. If the photo is successfully transmitted, the function returns 0.

transmitter_turn_off(num) -> err

The function transmitter_turn_off turns off the HF transmitter number num.

transmitter_turn_on(num) -> err

The function transmitter_turn_on turns on HF transmitter number num.

Some details

Runtime Environment

Projects on Python as well as on C, you can prepare using the interface of the programming environment based on the editor ''notepad++''. Zip-archive prepared in the programming environment contains an automatically generated Python script for execution. This script includes the content of your file. Schematically and very simplistically the script is about the following

from schsat import *
from time import sleep, time
# Your Python code, which necessarily includes the implementation of the control () function.
if __name__ == "__main__":

Now it becomes clear why we can use the sleep function from the time module in our programs. It's also obvious that your code can import additional Python modules, for example

import math
def control():
	print (math.e)
	print (math.pi)

Ready flag and error codes

Interface functions of the form

interface_get_state(...) -> ready

return an unsigned integer - device readiness flag. If the return value is 1, it means that the device is ready and you can work with the device (interface). For example, you can subtract data from the sensor or turn on the actuating mechanism. If the function returned 0, it means that the device was not prepared for operation, you did not activate the interface (did not call the corresponding interface_turn_on function).

ATTENTION: the readiness of the device only means that you can start using the device. The ready flag does not mean that the functions called later will return valid data or the device will accept commands. Be sure to check the error codes returned by the interface functions!

Interface functions of the form

interface_do_something(...) -> err
interface_do_something(...) -> (err, ...)

return unsigned integer – error code. The returned error code can be 0no errors, 1interface error or 2access error.

The “interface error” code is returned when the interface function is misused, for example, a non-existent device number is specified, or when noises occurred on the data bus and data could not be read.

The “access error” code is returned when you tried to request data from a device that is not ready yet, for example, accessed a device that was not previously enabled.

If you want to know the type of error that occurred, simply print the err variable:

if err:
	print 'Error: %d' % err
The standard library is implemented in the low-level programming language С.
The following reserved file names are not allowed: and
The function control () is the entry point to your Python code, look at it as a function main().
en/libschsat-py.1512307831.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/25 16:29 (external edit)